Yesterday Cat, Sylvia, and I went to DC to check out some of the museums. We ended up only having time to go to the West Buliding of the National Gallery of Art. The Spanish Armor exhibit was on display, but unfortunately we were not allowed to take any pictures.
When we first walked in we were greeted by some amazing sculptures by Rodin, Degas, and many other great artists.
I thought the sculpture gallery was huge until we went upstairs to see the paintings. We passed through room after room, it never seemed to end. It was very disorienting traveling through the maze of paintings. I always thought I knew where I was until I got to the main hall and realized I was on the complete opposite side of where I thought I was.
It was really hard trying to find an angle that didn't have any glare on the paintings, so a few of them ended up getting a little distorted. Some of the pictures are out of order and not all of the paintings are grouped together by the same artist.
The way Ingres paints skin is amazing, it feels like the skin has been carved out of marble.
This is the second floor of the museum.
No museum would be complete without Rembrandt.
I never realized how small Vermeer's paintings were.
The Sargent paintings were my favorite paintings of the entire gallery. Being able to see his brushstrokes up close is amazing. The stroke above the couch was done with one long stroke that extended the length of the entire painting.
The guards in front of the White House were carrying P90's...too bad they wouldn't allow us to take pictures of them.
I did get some pictures of the guards standing on top of the White House.
Waiting for dessert.
Cheesecake in a jar!
Now we are off to the Natural History museum, rawr!
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